Benefits of swallowing garlic on an empty stomach for women

Benefits of swallowing garlic on an empty stomach for women

 Benefits of swallowing garlic on an empty stomach for women

No house is devoid of garlic, which is not complete without most meals, but did you know that it has special benefits for you when you eat it daily on an empty stomach?

Garlic has been widely used in food preparation and cooking for thousands of years, and at the same time it has also been used medicinally to prevent and treat a variety of diseases and medical conditions, due to its important health properties and benefits including its antibacterial properties, so what are the benefits of swallowing garlic On an empty stomach for women specifically?

Benefits of swallowing garlic on an empty stomach for women

Although there are no current studies and research available explaining the benefits of swallowing garlic on an empty stomach for women, there are several benefits of garlic for women, including the following:

1. May improve bone health

Some studies indicate that garlic may help promote bone health and reduce the loss of density by increasing estrogen levels in women, especially during menopause, which may make it useful in reducing the risk of osteoporosis, but more human studies are still needed. .

2. Reduces the risk of premature labor

Having a microbial infection during pregnancy increases the risk of premature labor for a woman, and one study indicated that eating foods that contain antimicrobial compounds.

As is the case with garlic consumption in particular, it may be of great importance to reduce the risk of spontaneous preterm labor.

3. Improves the quality of hair and skin

The antioxidants in garlic and its anti-bacterial properties can contribute to clearer, clearer skin by killing acne-causing bacteria.

4. Boost immunity

Test tube studies show that garlic may help kill cancer cells, and one study of 41,000 middle-aged women concluded that women who routinely consumed garlic, whether raw or cooked, had a 35% lower risk of colon cancer.

5. Rich in nutrients

Garlic is low in calories, but it is rich in vitamin C, vitamin B6, and manganese, and it also contains trace proportions of some other nutrients, which include calcium, copper, potassium, phosphorous, iron and vitamin B1. In fact, garlic is characterized by providing the body with almost all of its needs. In small quantities.

6. It may help prevent Alzheimer's and dementia

Garlic contains antioxidant compounds that help in strengthening the body's means of preventing oxidative damage caused by free radicals, thus protecting the body from cell damage and aging, which in turn contributes to reducing the risk of common brain diseases, such as: Alzheimer's disease and dementia.


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