Small child's head circumference: pathological or transient?

Small child's head circumference: pathological or transient?


Some babies are born with a small head circumference, and this condition may appear in a child in his first year. What are the causes of a small child's head? And when should I be anxious?

Baby's head circumference may be small but within reasonable limits, or it may be alarmingly smaller than normal. What are the reasons for what is happening? What are its consequences for the health of the child?

The normal range for the circumference of the child's head

When the child is born, his measurements are usually taken, and these measurements have certain rates. If the child comes out, there may be an imbalance, and from the measurements that are taken usually the circumference of the child's head.

The normal range for a newborn's head circumference is 35 centimeters, and any slight difference from this rate may be normal.

In general, the circumference of a newborn's head is usually equivalent to half the length of the child's body plus 10 cm, for example, if a baby's length is 46 cm, the normal range for his head circumference is:

Half of the aforementioned number (equivalent to 23 cm) + 10 cm = 33 cm.

When should you worry about the size and circumference of the baby's head?

The doctor usually takes measurements of your baby regularly at every visit after birth, including measuring the circumference of the head, as the doctor needs to measure the size of the head continuously to ensure the normal growth and development of the child's brain.

However, doctors often stop taking a child's head circumference after the child turns 2 years old, as head size begins to change at a relatively slow pace after that.

But it should be noted that the small size of the child's head may be genetic, and it is not necessarily a matter of concern, unless the doctor indicates to the contrary.

Small child's head circumference (trauma): a rare condition

In the event that the child's head circumference is smaller than its normal rates, the diagnosis is often that the child has a rare disease called microcephaly, so let's get to know it below.

Triggering is a condition in which a child's head size is smaller than normal for his / her age, and the cause is often an impairment in the development and growth of the child's brain inside the skull.

It is a defect that may have started during the development of the fetus in the womb or during the first year of the child's life after birth.

In most cases, a child with a head spit will have various problems, such as:

Intellectual disabilities.

Speech and speech difficulties.

Developmental problems.

Short stature.

It is only in rare cases that head trauma does not have any negative impact on the child's development.

Causes of a small child's head circumference and risk factors

The case of alopecia is considered a condition of unknown causes to this day, but scientists suggest that there are factors that may increase the chances of developing this type of disease. Here is a list of the most important ones:

Infection of the mother with some types of viral diseases during pregnancy, such as: toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus, rubella and Zika virus.

The mother's ingestion of some harmful substances during pregnancy, such as: alcohol, and all kinds of drugs.

Malnutrition of the mother during pregnancy.

Injury with mercury poisoning or any other type of poisoning with other mineral materials.

Heredity and genetics, a child is born with conditions such as: Down syndrome.

In the mother, diseases such as: gestational diabetes, and phenylketonuria that were not subjected to treatment.

Exposure of the child after birth to dangerous matters that may affect his head and brain, such as: lack of oxygen levels, exposure to infection or inflammation in the brain.

Symptoms and complications of a small child's head circumference

Although it is obvious that the most obvious symptom of this condition is the small size of the child's head, there are many other symptoms that may appear on the affected child, as the case of alopecia has other additional effects on the child's health. These are the most important symptoms and health complications expected to appear on the patient:

A sharp, high-pitched cry.

Problems or weakness in some of the senses, such as: hearing loss and vision impairment.

The child's delay in reaching some of the normal developmental stages for those of his age, such as being late in speaking, standing, or sitting.

learning difficulties.

Facial expressions or features that do not naturally reflect feelings.

Short stature.

Convulsive seizures.

Other problems, such as: problems with movement or balance, difficulty swallowing, and hyperactivity.

Diagnosis of the child's head circumference is small

It is possible to diagnose the case of alopecia before birth sometimes, through an ultrasound examination in the third trimester of pregnancy, and after birth, these are the medical procedures and tests that are usually used to diagnose the condition of the circumference of the small child's head:

Physical examination.

Measuring the circumference of the child's head and comparing it to the known normal rates, and comparing it with the measurements of the child's parents and family.

And after diagnosing the infection, the doctor may request that the child be subjected to additional tests to assess the impact of the condition on the child's health and mental abilities, such as the following examinations: X-rays, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging.

Treat small baby head circumference

There is no cure for the case of alopecia, but it is possible to subject the child to treatments that may help keep the symptoms associated with the disease under control as much as possible, and the viability of these treatments for success varies according to the severity of the infection in each child, and these treatments may include:

the physical treatment.

Speech therapies.

Psychological counseling.


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