Other sexual diseases

Other sexual diseases


Other sexual diseases

Lymphogranuloma is a sexually transmitted disease caused by bacteria that is common in tropical countries. The bacteria that cause sexually transmitted lymphoma are the L3-1 type Chlamydia trachomatis. In the beginning, the disease is characterized by the appearance of a small sore that often does not attract attention. Later, however, the lymph nodes in the groin swell and can develop into a chronic fistula. Various systemic symptoms and skin lesions may also appear.

Diagnosis of a sexually transmitted lymphoma

The diagnosis of a sexually transmitted lymphoma is done by culture and serology.

Treating a sexually transmitted lymphoma

A sexually transmitted lymphoma is treated with the antibiotic doxycycline.

Prevention of a sexually transmitted lymphoma

Sexually transmitted lymphoma can be prevented by using a condom when having casual sexual intercourse.


Condyloma lata

Condyloma lata is a skin lesion that belongs to the group of symptoms that characterize secondary syphilis (SecondarySyphilis). The lesion rises above the surface of intact skin, and is grayish-white. They appear in warm, moist areas of the skin generally near a primary sore, often in the perineum or around the anus. The lesions appear as a result of the direct spread of Treponema bacteria from the primary ulcer (Ulcer), and appear before or immediately after other symptoms of secondary syphilis appear.

Female Sexual Dysfunction

Female Sexual Dysfunction - FSD, is a more common phenomenon than we have been inclined to believe until now. It is estimated that one in three women suffers from a disorder in her sexual functioning. In spite of this, the field of research related to the circuit of female physiological sexual reactions, the incidence of gynecological diseases, and the field of possible treatments for women suffering from sexual disorder, is still lagging behind and less advanced than the field of research on disorders of men and their treatment methods. The American Psychiatric Association recently changed its classification of sexual disorder in women to become part of the ICD-10 and DSM-IV Psychodiagnostic Books. The American Psychiatric Association adopted the model of sexual reactions, pioneered by Mastras and Johnson, and which was later adapted to the pervasive symptoms at the initiative of the American psychologist Helen Singer Kaplan. The sexual reaction cycle - according to her claim - consists of arousal that leads to alertness when sexual arousal occurs, and this alertness soon ends with the stage of orgasm (orgasm). After these two stages, comes the stage of "healing" and the return of the devices to their previous state, in preparation for a possible new state of arousal.

According to this theory (orientation), sexual disorder can occur in women, at any of the mentioned stages:

Disorder related to libido and sexual desire: This includes low or absolute lack of sexual arousal.
Disorders related to sexual alertness: the inability to be stimulated sexually enough, which creates a psychological crisis, a decrease in the level of lubrication of the genital (sexual) organ, or some unpleasant physical sensations.
Disorders related to orgasm (orgasm): Difficulty reaching orgasm, or the inability to reach it completely.
Sexual pain disorders: dyspareunia, neurovaginal spasm, persistent pain in the genital organ, which is not necessarily related to the sexual process.
Each of these disorders can be primary or secondary, and it can be comprehensive or circumstantial, that is, limited to specific cases. The separation between disorders that have psychological causes, and those whose interpretation is considered to be physical (organic), is an unnatural separation in our estimation, but there is an intersection between physical and psychological causes and vice versa, in most cases. In most cases, sexual disorders stem from the intersection between the soul and the body, and according to our assessment, this trend is the prevailing trend today, for treatment on the one hand, and for scientific research on the other side.

The field of research in sexual disorder is not an easy field, as the percentage of women who suffer from sexual disorder in their performance, and they seek medical advice, is very low. Many women hesitate to talk about this problem with any therapist, and even if they talk about the subject, they often do not receive appropriate treatment. During scientific research conducted on the population, 43% of women said they had problems with their sexual performance, compared to 31% of men in the same group. It was also found that about two thirds reported low sexual desire, one third reported problems with sexual stimulation, one third reported problems reaching orgasm, and about a fifth spoke of painful symptoms. Only a fifth of the women said they felt fulfilled by their sexuality, while more than one sexual disorder had been diagnosed for many of the women.

Only a few of the women who suffer from sexual disorder - even though we're talking about a widespread problem - go for treatment. Most of those who dare to seek treatment do so out of the pain associated with having sex. As for the rest of the women who suffer from sexual disorder in their performance, they do not seek medical advice and treatment, due to the lack of public awareness of everything related to sexual performance in general, and disturbances in this performance in particular. Only, in recent years, the public awareness of erection problems in men has increased, especially with the entry of a number of drugs and drugs for the treatment of impotence to the market, and the desire of the producing companies to expand the area and increase the volume of their sales. The commercial aspect has driven the issue of raising awareness among doctors, and among the public in general, about all matters related to sexual performance in men. As for the lack of effective and easy-to-use medicines to treat sexual problems in women, it leads to a lack of interest in either practical research or commercial activity.

On the other hand, there were those who accused the doctors of interfering with the matter too much. In fact, even if this were the case, this does not eliminate the presence of large numbers of women experiencing sexual disorder.


Gynecomastia or enlarged breasts in men (gynecomastia) is a term that comes from the Greek language, meaning: gyn - woman and mastos - breasts, meaning: female breasts, and it describes a benign enlargement of the breast tissue in men. The enlargement may occur in one breast only, or in both breasts together.

Epidemiology: The condition of gynecomastia constitutes about 60% of the problems related to the breasts in men and 85% of the cases of lumps in the breasts in men. The emergence of this condition is not limited at a specific age, as it may appear at any age, but 40% of cases appear in boys between the ages of 14 to 15.5, against a hormonal background, or against the background of taking medications, or even without any known cause (In 75% of cases), in many cases.

Science background: Breast tissue enlarges in response to estrogen, the female hormone, while it is suppressed as a reaction to testosterone, the male hormone. Normally, these two hormones are present in both sexes, as the level of testosterone is higher than the level of estrogen in men, while it is the opposite in women - the level of estrogen is higher than the level of testosterone. In cases where the level of the hormone estrogen exceeds the proportion of testosterone in a man, an enlarged breast tissue will occur.

Symptoms of gynecomastia in men
An enlarged breast lump. In about a third of these cases, the mass is sensitive to touch, meaning it can be felt and felt by touch. About a third of cases show lumps on one side (affecting one breast but not the other). The lump most often appears in the center of the breast, but it may appear on the edges of the breast as well.

Treating gynecomastia
First, the cause is searched for and can be treated. It is worth mentioning here that in 75% of cases the true cause of the emergence of this condition is not known. Most men prefer to have this condition treated by plastic surgery specialists, due to the embarrassment caused by this condition. Gynecomastia is usually treated with an operation. In general, this operation is performed under general anesthesia.

There are several possibilities for performing this surgical procedure: When a man's gynecomastia consists of an enlarged mammary gland, the hypertrophic portion is removed by means of a wound on the border of the nipple. The scars usually disappear with time. But if the breast enlargement is caused by the presence of excess fatty tissue, then a liposuction procedure is performed. There are cases in which a surgical removal of the swollen part is combined with liposuction of the excess fat. Another factor that is taken into consideration when deciding on the appropriate type of surgery to treat this phenomenon is related to the amount of excess skin, as the doctor decides whether part of the skin should also be removed, in addition to the gland, or not.


Hypogonadism is a sexual disorder that occurs before and after puberty.

The cause of hypogonadism is the lack of sex hormones.

Reasons: congenital - genetic. Acquired - secondary to processes in the brain, testicles or ovaries.

Symptoms of hypogonadism
Symptoms of male hypogonadism: The symptoms are - lack of hair, in general, improper development of the skeleton, muscles and long limbs.

Symptoms of female hypogonadism: lack of sexual development and lack of menstruation.

Treatment of hypogonadism
Hypogonadism is treated by taking sex hormones.


Between 4% and 28% of women suffer from dyspareunia - that is, pain during sex.
Dyspareunia can be superficial, upon penetration, or deep. Each one of these types may be different reasons.
In the past, it was believed that the cause of all cases of superficial dyspareunia was vaginismus, the involuntary contraction of the muscles of the vaginal opening due to fear of pain. The origin of this phenomenon, it was believed, was fear, anxiety, sexual rejection, hysteria or a preconceived opinion that having sex provokes disgust and pain.

Today, the source of most pain with superficial penetration appears to be vestibulitis - that is, inflammation of the front of a woman's external genital organ. Contraction of the muscles of the vaginal opening, in these cases, is only secondary. Vestibular inflammation is an organic condition.

Sometimes, as a response to the difficulty of establishing a sexual relationship, premature ejaculation of semen or impotence of the husband may occur.

In the rare cases in which the contraction of the vaginal muscles is primary and is not associated with vulvovaginitis, the treatment is done by a sex therapist trained in how to relax the muscles of the vaginal opening, by inserting a dilator into the vagina.

Causes and risk factors of dyspareunia
Contamination: Candida, herpes genitalis

Skin diseases: Lichen planus, Lichen sclerosus

Precocious puberty

Puberty is a process in which the body changes morphologically, from the body of a boy to the body of an adult human. This process includes rapid growth of bones and muscles, a change in body shape and size, as well as the acquisition of the ability to reproduce.

The normal puberty period occurs at the age of 8-12 in girls and 9-14 in boys. Therefore, the period of puberty is considered early, if it appears before the age of eight in girls, or before the age of nine in boys.

The cause of precocious puberty is generally unknown, but in rare cases precocious puberty appears in the wake of infection, tumor, hormonal imbalance or some trauma. Treatment generally includes drugs that prevent precocious puberty.

Symptoms of precocious puberty
Precocious puberty means that one of the following symptoms appears before a healthy puberty.

For girls:

Breasts begin to grow.
The appearance of the first menstruation.

In boys:

An increase in the size of the testicles and penis.

The appearance of hair on the face, and it is generally above the upper lip (mustache).

The voice becomes rougher.

For both sexes, the appearance of pubic and underarm hair, rapid growth, the appearance of acne, and an adult-like body odor is an indication of sexual puberty.

Causes and risk factors of precocious puberty
To know the causes of precocious puberty, we need to know how puberty occurs naturally. The pubertal process is complex and regulated by the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, and the process takes place in several stages:

1. The hypothalamus, which is a part of the brain that secretes a hormone of the type (Gn - RH).

2. As a response, the pituitary gland (Hypophysis), which is located at the bottom of the brain, and is about the size of a bean, produces two additional hormones FSH and LH.

3. These hormones lead to the secretion of sex hormones from the sex glands. In boys, the testicles produce Testosterone, and in women, the ovaries are the ones that secrete estrogen. The adrenal gland also produces sex hormones in response.

4. Typical changes of puberty appear in proportion to gender.

Therefore, the origin of precocious puberty could be due to a major problem, meaning that it could be the catalyst for the secretion of sex hormones, as in the correct puberty, from another source, or the puberty could be marginal, meaning that the increase is only in sex hormones.

Although there is no organic cause of precocious puberty, the following factors are evident:

A tumor or infection in the central nervous system.
A birth defect in the structure of the brain such as hydrocephalus (Hyderocephlus), or a haematoma (a node of tumor-like tissue that differs from the surrounding tissue - Hamartoma).
Exposure to radiation or direct injury to the central nervous system.
Congenital adrenal hyperactivity.
Underactive thyroid gland.
Precocious puberty is marginal, rare, and results from the secretion of sex hormones from various sources. The factors may be:

Tumors in the adrenal gland or the pituitary gland that secrete sex hormones.

Exposure to synthetic sex hormones.

Syndrome after McCune-albright

In girls, ovarian tumors or cysts.

- In boys, tumors in the testicles and a rare genetic defect that leads to the secretion of sex hormones from the testicles, even if there is no central stimulus to secrete them.

The phenomenon of precocious puberty is more common in girls, and among people with brown skin, and in people who suffer from the problem of excess weight, in addition to exposure to sex hormones, estrogen and progesterone in preparations, such as creams, various drugs that can lead to precocious puberty.

Complications of precocious puberty
Boys begin in early puberty, with early growth, so they become relatively taller in the early stages than their peers, the total growth lasts for only a few years, and when they advance in the generation, their height is less than the average. Early treatment of precocious puberty, especially in young boys, can prevent their assumed normal height.

In addition, girls who reach menstruation before the age of 8 are more likely to develop polycystic ovary syndrome as the older generation.

Diagnosing precocious puberty
The diagnosis is usually made by a pediatrician or endocrindogist in children. The doctor checks the puberty process in the family history, a clinical examination of the boy and blood tests.

An X-ray of the boy's hand and arm, which helps in estimating the child's bone age, thus knows if it is appropriate for his chronological age.

After diagnosing precocious puberty, it must be decided whether the cause of the process is due to a central problem, or another cause. Therefore, hormone levels must be examined, the body’s reaction to hormones, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain, and thyroid hormone levels must be examined.

Treating precocious puberty
Central precocious puberty in boys who suffer from it, that is, there is no clear physical cause for their condition, can be treated effectively with drugs. Treatment includes monthly injections of Gn - RH, a hormone suppressing the hypothalamus, which inhibits the continuation of precocious puberty, and treatment continues until the boy or girl reaches the usual puberty, if treatment stops, the puberty process will continue.

When the cause of precocious puberty is physical, treatment is focused on the underlying cause of precocious puberty, for example, if puberty is caused by a tumor secreting hormones, then ablation of the tumor leads to the cessation of precocious puberty.

Prevention of precocious puberty
Keeping boys away from preparations that contain sex hormones found in drugs and food additives, and maintaining their moderate weight, all of this will reduce the risk of precocious puberty.
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