Psychological health

Psychological health


Psychological health

Mental health is like all other body systems, as you can get tired, sick, and need treatment. There is no need to be shy about talking about mental health, as it is important to prevent and treat mental illnesses when they occur.

 Some mental illnesses such as anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, mental disorders, phobia, and others, are becoming known. For all these diseases, there are different treatment methods, including psychological treatments, mental-behavioral therapy, drug treatments, as well as alternative therapies.

In the mental health section of WebMed - you will find comprehensive information on mental health, diseases, prevention methods and treatment methods.


It is natural for a person to feel anxious or dread from time to time, but if the feeling of anxiety is repeated frequently without any real reason, to the point that it obstructs the normal course of daily life, then it is likely that this person suffers from an anxiety disorder.

This disorder causes excessive, unrealistic anxiety and a sense of fear, and it exceeds what might be considered a normal reaction to a specific situation.

Types of anxiety

Anxiety is of many different types, which include:

Agoraphobia: This is the fear of squares and being in public places.

Anxiety disorder due to a medical condition: It is a type of anxiety that results from a medical problem and a specific health condition.

Generalized anxiety disorder: Excessive anxiety caused by any activity or involvement in any events, even routine.

Panic disorder: It is a series of anxiety and fear that reaches its maximum levels within a few minutes. A person with this type of anxiety may feel shortness, acceleration in breathing, and chest pain.

Selective mutism: This is when children fail to speak in specific situations, such as being at school.

Separation anxiety: It is a childhood disorder that is characterized by fear and anxiety of being separated from parents.

Social phobia: Fear of engaging in social events, feeling shy and low self-esteem.

Symptoms of anxiety

The symptoms of anxiety differ from one case to another, both in terms of the different types of symptoms and in terms of their severity.

Symptoms of anxiety include:


Nervousness or tension

Feeling of lump in the throat

Difficulty concentrating


Agitation and lack of patience


Sensation of muscle tension

Insomnia (difficulty falling asleep and / or trouble sleeping)


Shortness of breath

Abdominal pain


An anxiety attack does not completely "eliminate" the person suffering it, but it does leave him with a sense of anxiety, to a certain degree.

People with anxiety may feel that they are constantly in a state of stress, in all areas of their life.

He may have symptoms of anxiety in the following manner, he may feel very anxious about his personal security and the security of his loved ones, or he may feel that something bad will happen, even if there is no perceived danger.

An anxiety attack usually begins at a relatively young age, as symptoms of generalized anxiety develop very slowly, more than is the case in other anxiety disorders.

Most people with generalized anxiety disorder cannot remember the last time they felt better, calm and at ease.

Causes and risk factors for anxiety

As with most mental disorders, it is not entirely clear what causes an anxiety disorder.

Researchers believe that natural chemicals in the brain, called neurotransmitters, such as Serotonin and norepinephrine (or: Norepinephrine / Noradrenaline), affect these disorders.

In sum, it can be assumed that this problem has a variety of causes, including the following cases:

Panic disorder

Dulled anxiety disorder

Phobic disorder

Stress disorder

Infection with some diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.

The data indicate that the percentage of women diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder is higher than the percentage of men with it.

Risk factors for anxiety

There are factors that can increase the risk of developing generalized anxiety disorder, and they include:

Cruel childhood: Children who experienced difficulties or distress as a child, including witnessing traumatic events, are more likely to have this disorder.

Illness: People who have had serious illnesses, such as cancer, may have an anxiety attack. Fear of the future and what it brings, the treatments and the economic situation - all of them can pose a heavy psychological burden

Psychological tension: The accumulation of psychological tension, as a result of tense and stressful situations in life, may generate a feeling of acute anxiety. For example, a disease that necessitates absenteeism from work causing a loss of wage and income would cause psychological distress, and thus generalized anxiety disorder.

Personality: People with certain personality traits may be more likely to have generalized anxiety disorder. And people with psychological needs that are not well available, such as having an emotional relationship that is not satisfactory, may feel insecure, which makes them more likely to develop generalized anxiety disorder.

Moreover, some personality disorders, such as BPD-Borderline personality disorder, may come under the umbrella of generalized anxiety disorder.

Genetic factors: Some studies indicate that there is a genetic basis (source) for generalized anxiety disorder that causes it to be transmitted (genetically) from one generation to another.

Anxiety complications

Anxiety disorder causes more than just anxiety for the sufferer, it may cause (or exacerbate) difficult and dangerous diseases, which can include:

Resorting to the use of addictive substances
Insomnia and a sense of depression
Digestive or intestinal disturbances
a headache
Bruxism (especially during sleep).
Anxiety diagnosis
An anxiety disorder diagnosis requires a comprehensive psychological evaluation by professional mental health professionals.

Within this framework, professionals may ask questions related to concerns, concerns and a general sense of well-being.

They may ask whether the patient has any compulsive behavior that accompanies them, to ensure that they do not have obsessive-compulsive disorder. He may be asked to complete a psychological questionnaire, in addition to undergoing a comprehensive examination in order to diagnose other medical conditions that may be causing the anxiety.

In order to be diagnosed with anxiety disorder, it must meet the criteria published in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). Published by the American Psychiatric Association.

For a person to be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, their condition must fit the following criteria:

An acute sense of intense anxiety and apprehension, daily for at least six months
Difficulty countering and resisting anxiety
Feeling an anxiety attack accompanied by a number of specific symptoms, such as: feeling nervous and tense, difficulty concentrating, a sense of muscle tension and tension and sleep disturbances
 Feeling an anxiety attack that creates a feeling of severe distress that interferes with the normal and normal course of life
Feeling of anxiety unrelated to other medical / health conditions or problems, such as: panic attack or use of addictive substances.
Anxiety treatment

Anxiety treatment consists of two main treatments, pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy, each separately or both together.

Periods of trial and error may be required in order to determine the most appropriate and effective ophthalmic treatment for a specific patient and the treatment with which the patient feels comfortable and reassured.

Drug anxiety treatment
There are various types of pharmacological anxiety treatment aimed at relieving the anxiety side effects that accompany generalized anxiety disorder, including:

Anti-anxiety medications: Benzodiazepines are sedatives that have the advantage of relieving anxiety within 30 - 90 minutes. The disadvantage is that it may be addictive if taken for a period of more than a few weeks.
Antidepressant drugs: These drugs affect the action of neurotransmitters (Neurotransmitter), which are known to have an important role in the emergence and development of anxiety disorders. The list of drugs used to treat generalized anxiety disorder, among others, includes: Prozac (Fluoxetine) and others.
Treating mental anxiety
Psychotherapy for anxiety includes receiving help and support from mental health professionals, through conversation and listening.
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