Treating oily skin and how to care for it

Treating oily skin and how to care for it

If you suffer from oils on the face and the appearance of acne on your skin, you may be owners of oily skin, learn in this article on the treatment of oily skin and how to care for it, and ways to clean oily skin.
What is oily skin?
Oily skin always looks shiny and has a greasy and soft feel and broad pores, its rough and thick texture due to the increase in fatty tissue, and it produces pimples, spots and blackheads.
Causes of oily skin:
Hormonal imbalance; Skin becomes more oily at puberty, in adolescence, and during menstruation.
The secretion of the glands to the oil keeps them soft, but if the secretion increases this leads to a seborrhoeic face known as (Seborrhoea), and a dermatologist should be consulted.
Excessive use of detergents causes increased oil secretions.
The importance of fats in maintaining healthy skin:
Many people think that fats are superfluous and must be eliminated constantly, but they have many benefits, including:
It plays a major role in maintaining healthy skin.
It works to reduce the evaporation of water from the body. Maintaining skin moisture.
It protects against many infections caused by some bacteria and fungi.
Oily skin problems:
 Excess face gloss.
Pale skin.
Oily skin.
Black and white heads.
The appearance of acne from time to time.
Broad pores.
Make-up is corrupt after several hours of applying it.
Oily skin types:
Skin suffering from the appearance of infections on the skin and its redness upon exposure to ultraviolet rays.
Skin suffering from acne.
Skin suffering from the appearance of black pimples.
Ideal care for oily skin:
 All skin needs a regular daily program of 3 phases which are cleaning - catching pores - moisturizing, these steps must be followed in order every day to get clean skin free of fats, grains and blackheads.
First: clean oily skin:
 Oily skin needs permanent cleaning because of its viscosity it is always an easy place to settle dust and germs; Therefore you need to clean, but without excessive, to get rid of the extra fat that is deposited with the pores of the skin, blocking it, and suspending it with dirt and fouling, which offends the appearance of the skin and gives an opportunity to infect the germs that are attracted to these leaked fats, and thus increases the chances of infection with the grain.
 Ways to clean oily skin:
Use a face wash twice a day, which may be a natural lotion or a medicinal lotion for oily skin.
Make sure to wash hands before washing the face.
Use soap advised to stay away from regular soap and use alkaline free soap medical soap, and to avoid using perfumed soap.
Gently massage the face with circular movements from the bottom up and from the inside out, and do not rub the skin firmly.
Do not repeat washing more than two to three times daily with soap, and remember excessive washing of the skin irritates the sebaceous glands.
Clean oily skin with a steam bath:
 Specialists do not recommend steam baths to treat oily skin, as heat excites the sebaceous glands, which leads to the production of fats, the appearance of pimples, and do not try to squeeze pimples because this leads to skin inflammation and left traces thereof.
Second: Narrowing the pores:
The pores of the skin are the places where these fat deposits, especially if they are large, so it is useful to use astringents for these pores and they must be used after cleaning.
Ways to narrow wide pores:
Clean your face daily and regularly.
Make sure to use an alcohol-free tonic to catch pores and kill bacteria, such as rose water.
Third: Moisturizing oily skin:
 Moisturizer is very important to maintain the balance of the skin and even oily skin needs to be moisturized to maintain its health and nourishment, and it is important that it contains vitamin E, which preserves the youthfulness and vitality of the skin and protects it from the effects of the environment.
Ways to moisturize oily skin:
 Use creams and lotions based on water.
Use a cream that helps balance the skin by absorbing excess secretion and contains (zinc and copper).
Oily skin treatment:
 Say goodbye to the old way of treating oily skin and treating your skin properly:
Beware tampering with any black or oily heads because this will lead to blisters that leave spots in your face that last for a long time, because oily skin has great susceptibility to the appearance of spots, so avoid touching it completely and make sure to clean your skin.
Use a gentle exfoliator on your skin twice a week to remove dead cells. You can use any exfoliator you choose knowing that using an exfoliating cream containing (AHA and BHA) helps prevent the pores from clogging.
Use a sunscreen that is free from fatty substances because exposure to the sun causes the pores to expand.
When choosing a makeup make sure to choose a makeup that does not cause excess fat or the appearance of blackheads and find it recorded on it (non - androgenicc) and prefers the type to be a powder and not a liquid, and contributes to the absorption of fat.
Avoid using the foundation because it helps with blackheads.
Make sure to remove makeup completely and moisturize your face before bed.
Avoid oily moisturizers and replace them with Oil Free Moisture.
Proper nutrition for owners of oily skin:
 As much as possible, follow a diet based on fruits, vegetables, fish and meat.
Avoid high-fat foods, sugars, and sugary soda.
And reduce the proportion of iodine in the food, which contributes to increased secretion of fats.
 How to treat acne in oily skin:
 Use the lotion daily that we recommended in the previous paragraphs, gently massage and then wash your face with lukewarm, not hot water, to remove impurities and dead cells on the skin.
Do not use dry objects on the face such as gloves and dry cloth during exfoliation, instead use a soft cotton fabric, and dry gently.
Use gel moisturizers.
Use small amounts of topical ointments that contain benzyl peroxide, an antibacterial agent that helps dry skin, or salicylic acid, which is a factor for getting rid of bacteria.
Make sure to use a sunscreen 20 minutes before exposure to the sun.
Natural recipes for oily skin:
 You can treat oily skin by preparing natural recipes for exfoliation, such as:
 Banana and honey mask:
 Mash a full ripe banana with two tablespoons of honey and a few drops of lemon juice, put it on your face for 15 minutes, then wash your face with warm water.
Mask gourd, honey and butter
It is a good choice to gently exfoliate the skin, use two tablespoons of pureed squash with a tablespoon of butter and one tablespoon of honey, put the mixture on your face for 155 minutes, then wash it with warm water.
Oily skin scrubs and recipes:
 There are many recipes you can use to exfoliate oily skin, and we address the following:
Oats and almonds to exfoliate the skin:
 Ground oats and almonds help narrow the pores of the face, and you can use them as a gentle exfoliation for the face and chest, and oats also help soothe skin infections.
Method: Add a tablespoon of warm water to two tablespoons of oatmeal or ground almonds until they become a cohesive dough, in a circular motion. Massage your face with it for 10 minutes, then wash it with lukewarm water. Then use a moisturizing cream.
Sugar and lemon to exfoliate the skin:
 Sugar is a great natural exfoliation suitable for all skin types, it also helps in moisturizing the skin, and you can use it as a gentle exfoliator for the lips, or you can add it to the conditioner to stimulate the scalp.
Method: Add half a cup of lemon juice to a tablespoon of sugar, wet your skin with water and then gently massage it with scrub in a circular motion for 5 minutes, boil your face with lukewarm water, but it is not preferred to use it for those with sensitive skin.
Walnut, grape seed, and apricot:
 Crushed walnut scales, apricot seeds and grapes are great elbows and knees for removing dead hard skin, but you should be careful if you are sensitive skin.
Peeling the skin with ground rice:
 Rice is not only a staple meal in basic countries, but an essential part of a skin care routine, and it is suitable for all skin types.
Method: Mix it with your lotion and massage your skin.
Root mushrooms for peeling the skin:
 Use mushroom root mushroom roots as an eraser and massage your skin with it, help to reduce sunburn and treat skin blemishes and remove their effects.
Salt to exfoliate the skin:
 You can use salt as a natural skin exfoliator to help stimulate facial blood circulation.
Coffee for body scrub:
 Coffee scrub and olive oil Add a little olive oil with a spoonful of crushed coffee and massage your body with it starting from your foot and toward the heart, as this movement helps to get rid of excess fluid in the body, and exfoliates the dead skin and moisturizes it.
Coffee and strawberry scrub:
 Mash two fruits of strawberry with a teaspoon of ground coffee, massage your face with the mixture for 10 minutes, then wash it with lukewarm water.
Exfoliate the skin with sugar and olive oil:
 Sugar can be used with olive oil to prepare a natural exfoliator for your skin. Sugar works as a scrub and olive oil moisturizes and nourishes the skin. Method: Mix 3 tablespoons of olive oil with a tablespoon of sugar, then make the same circular motion on your wet face, then wash it after 5 minutes with lukewarm water.
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