What is cancer symptoms, causes and risk factors, complications, diagnosis, treatment, prevention, alternative treatments
Cancer is a medical term that includes a wide range of diseases characterized by the abnormal growth of cells that divide without control and have the ability to penetrate tissue and destroy healthy tissues in the body, and it is able to spread throughout the body.
Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the Western world, but the prospects for cure from cancer are constantly improving in most types, thanks to advances in early cancer detection methods and cancer treatment options.
Cancer symptoms
Cancer symptoms vary from case to case, depending on the organ affected by cancer.
Some general symptoms of cancer are attributable to it, but they are not specific to cancer alone, and include:
High temperature
The appearance of a lump or enlargement that can be felt under the skin
Changes in body weight, including an unintended increase or decrease in body weight
Changes to the surface of the skin, such as yellow discoloration, areas of dark color or red spots on the skin, wounds that do not heal, or changes to moles that were on the skin
Changes in the functioning of the bowel or bladder
A persistent cough
Difficulty swallowing
Difficulty or indigestion or discomfort after eating.
Causes and risk factors of cancer
Cancer is caused by damage (change / mutation) that occurs in a chain of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in cells.
The DNA chain in the human body contains a set of commands prepared for the body's cells, determining how they grow, develop and divide.
Healthy cells sometimes tend to make changes to their DNA, but they are still able to correct the bulk of those changes. Or, if you can't make these corrections, the amniotic cells most likely die.
However, some of these deviations are not correctable, which leads to the growth of these cells and their transformation into cancer cells. These aberrations can also extend the lives of some cells more than their normal life expectancy. This phenomenon causes the accumulation of cancer cells.
How does a person get cancer?
In some types of cancer, the accumulation of these cells creates a carcinoma. However, not all cancers produce carcinomas. For example, leukemia (leukemia - leukemia) is a type of cancer that affects the blood cells, the bone marrow (bone marrow), the lymphatic system and the spleen, but this type of cancer does not produce a tumor.
An initial genetic drift is only the beginning of the cancer development process. Researchers believe that the development of cancer requires a number of changes within the cell, including:
A proactive factor that leads to a genetic change: Sometimes a person may be born with a certain genetic deviation, while others may have a genetic deviation as a result of active forces within the body, such as hormones, viruses and chronic infections.
Genetic aberration can also occur as a result of forces acting outside the body, such as ultraviolet radiation (UV) originating from sunlight, or carcinogenic factors from chemicals (carcinogen) present in the living environment.
Enabler for Rapid Cell Growth: Cofactors take advantage of genetic aberrations and changes caused by the proactive factors.
Cofactors cause cells to divide more quickly. This can lead to an accumulation of cells, the tumor. Cofactors can be transmitted genetically, they can form inside the body or they can reach from the outside and enter the body.
A promoter that makes the cancer more aggressive and helps it to spread: Without the promoters (promoters), a cancerous tumor can remain benign and limited in location. Encouraging factors make the cancer more aggressive and increase the likelihood that the cancer will enter and destroy nearby tissues, and it increases the possibility of cancer spreading to other organs throughout the body.
As is the case with the initiating and auxiliary factors, so also the encouraging factors can be transmitted genetically, or be formed as a result of the effects of environmental factors.
The genetic structure, the forces at work inside the body, the choice of lifestyle and the environment in which we live - all could form the basis for the formation of a cancer or its completion if it had started. For example, if someone inherited a genetic mutation that increases the likelihood of developing a specific cancer, that person will have a higher risk of developing that type of cancer, than people are exposed to the same factor that can cause cancer.
The genetic deviation leads to the formation of the cancerous process, while the carcinogenic factor may be an essential compound in the development and progression of cancer in the future.
Moreover, smokers who work in an environment containing asbestos are at greater risk of developing lung cancer than smokers who do not work in such an environment. This is because tobacco smoke, along with asbestos, are factors in the development of this type of cancer.
Although doctors know the factors that make a person belong to a group with a higher risk of developing cancer, the majority of cancer cases actually occur in people who have no known factors.
Risk factors
Factors known to increase the risk of developing cancer include:
Age: The development of cancer can take several decades. This is why most people are diagnosed with cancer after they reach the age of 55. Until the moment a cancerous tumor is discovered, it is likely that between 100 million - billion cancer cells have developed, and it is possible that the primary tumor began to form five years ago, and perhaps more.
Habits: It is known that certain lifestyles may increase the risk of developing cancer.
Drinking alcohol
Exposure to a lot of sunlight: or multiple sunburns accompanied by the appearance of blisters (blister - a fluid-filled bubble that appears in the upper layers of the skin - Blister)
Having sex without protective equipment
Family history: only about 10% of all cancers occur on a genetic basis. If cancer runs in families, it is very likely that these genetic deviations will be passed on from one generation to the next.
The doctor decides if a specific person is suitable for scanning tests that may reveal the presence of genetic genetic anomalies that increase the risk of developing cancer. And a person must realize that if he had genetic deviations, this does not mean that he will necessarily develop cancer.
General health status: Some chronic diseases, such as ulcerative colitis, can greatly increase the risk of developing certain types of cancer. Talk to your doctor about it.
Living environment: The environment we live in may contain harmful chemicals that can increase the risk of developing cancer. Even if you are a non-smoker, you may be exposed to secondhand smoke (second-hand) if you live in an environment where others smoke, or if you live with someone who smokes.
Chemicals found in the home or workplace, such as asbestos or gasoline, can be factors that increase the risk of developing cancer.
Cancer complications
Cancer and cancer treatment may lead to several complications, including:
Side effects from cancer treatment
Unusual responses by the immune system to cancer
Cancer outbreak
Relapse of cancer.
Cancer diagnosis
Diagnosing cancer in its early stages provides the best chances of being cured. If the patient has suspicious symptoms, he or she should consult with his doctor about which exams and scans are most appropriate for him to detect early cancer.
Research has shown that screening for early detection of cancer may actually save life in some types of cancer. As for other types of cancer, early detection scans for cancer are only performed for people at higher risk of developing cancer, only. Discuss with your doctor the extent of risk factors for you.
The American Cancer Society recommends early detection of cancer screening for people with moderate risk factors for the following types of cancer:
Breast cancer: for women ages 40 and over
Cervical cancer: for women 21 years and over, or three years after the first sexual intercourse
Colon cancer (large intestine): for men and women aged 50 years and over
Prostate gland cancer: for men aged 50 and over
Early detection screening scans and other procedures have a host of benefits and drawbacks. Discuss the benefits and limitations of each test with your doctor to determine the most appropriate cancer screening test.
In order to diagnose cancer, the doctor may choose one or more of the following early detection tests for cancer:
Physical examination
Lab tests
Imaging tests
Cancer grades / stages
After cancer is diagnosed, the doctor tries to determine the extent of the cancer or the stage the cancer has reached.
The doctor decides on the treatment methods or the possibilities of recovery, according to the classification and grade of cancer in the specific patient.
Classification and grade are determined through a number of tests, such as imaging tests, including bone scan and X-ray imaging (X-ray), to determine whether the cancer has spread to other organs in the body.
Cancer grades / stages are usually denoted by Roman numerals I through IV, as a larger number indicates that the cancer is more advanced. In some cases, the stage of the cancer is indicated using letters or verbal descriptions.
Cancer treatment
Cancer treatment consists of a variety of treatments. Cancer treatment options are related to many factors, such as the type and stage of cancer, general health status, in addition to the preferences of the patient himself.
You can consult with an oncologist about the benefits and risks of each cancer treatment option to determine the best and most effective cancer treatment for each case.
Cancer treatment goals
Cancer treatment is applied in many different ways, including:
Treatment aimed at killing or removing cancer cells (primary treatment)
Treatment aimed at destroying remaining cancer cells (adjuvant)
A treatment aimed at treating the side effects resulting from cancer and its treatment (supportive treatment).
Treatments available for cancer
Today doctors have access to a variety of tools designed to treat cancer. These treatments include:
Radiation treatments (radiotherapy)
Spinal cord and stem cell transplant
Biological treatment
Hormonal therapy
Drug therapy
clinical trials.
Cancer prevention
There is no sure way to avoid getting cancer. But doctors have successfully identified some ways that can help reduce risk factors for developing cancer, including:
Quit Smoking
Avoid excessive sun exposure
Maintain a balanced and healthy diet
Doing physical activities most days of the week
Maintain a normal and healthy weight
Ensure that early detection checks are performed regularly
Consult your doctor about available vaccinations.
It has not been conclusively proven that alternative therapies cure cancer. But the possibilities of alternative medicine may help counter the effects and reduce cancer symptoms and side effects resulting from its treatments, such as fatigue, nausea and pain.
Discuss with your doctor about alternative treatments that may help. The doctor will also discuss with you how safe these treatments are for you and whether they are a factor hindering conventional cancer treatment. These treatments include:
Hypnosis (hypnosis)
Various relaxation techniques.
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