Teeth health

Teeth health

Teeth health

In order to enjoy a beautiful smile with confidence, we must take good care of the health of the teeth and mouth. Here you will find all the information you need for proper dental and oral care, as well as a detailed explanation of how to do so. Read in medicine web about the sources of dental pain, and what are the causes of tooth decay? Why do I have bad breath? Discover the secret of a healthy and beautiful smile, in the Dental and Oral Health Department.

Dental Pain

Toothache comes from the tissues (layers) of the tooth (dentin and pulp) and from periodontium.

Toothache originating from ivory: This dental pain appears due to external factors, such as cold, hot or sweet foods. Toothache is characterized by being short and disappearing at the moment when the external factor is removed. Tooth pain is moderate in severity and is not concentrated at a specific point, so that the affected person finds it difficult to determine the source of this tooth pain, whether it is from tooth pain in the upper or lower jaw. The cause of dental pain is most likely related to tooth decay (Caries / Cavity), which can be observed through eye contact, directly, or by means of X-ray imaging (X-Ray). This tooth decay treatment includes tooth decay cleaning and filling. Toothache will disappear with the completion of the treatment.

Toothache emanating from the pulp of the tooth: Toothache originating from the pulp of the tooth is a subjective tooth pain, stems from an internal source, is very severe, appears in attacks and disappears between one episode and the next. The seizure lasts from a few minutes to an hour. Tooth pain increases in this type of dental pain when eating cold food, while chewing, or in the event of pressure on the affected tooth. This type of toothache can wake a person with it from sleep. It is difficult to determine the source of the pain, as the cold may be the main trigger, but the cold is transmitted from one tooth to another until it reaches the affected tooth, causing severe dental pain.

The cause of dental pain: pulpitis after infection penetrated the pulp from acute dental caries. The treatment of tooth decay is root canal therapy and dental pulp extirpation. And the toothache usually goes away upon completion of treatment.

Toothache originating from periodontium: Toothache originating from periodontium is a subjective pain, stemming from an internal source, that is continuous and intensifies during chewing. The location of the pain is specific and concentrated in the affected tooth. The severity of dental pain ranges from moderate to severe and is sometimes accompanied by a feeling that the tooth is high in the mouth and swollen in the face. Age can identify infected by clicking on the teeth. In other words: by identifying the sensitive tooth to click. Toothache cause: Contamination of the periodontal tissue, which usually stems from the spaces in the pulp and root canals (Periapical periodontitis) or from a deep pocket in the gums (Lateral periodontitis).

Toothache treatment

When the source of the toothache stems from the pulp of the tooth, the treatment of toothache is by root canal treatment. But when the source of the tooth pain stems from the gums, the treatment is by curettage, washing and cleaning the gum pocket. And then instructions to administer antibiotics, sometimes, in both cases of infection mentioned. And the toothache usually goes away 24 - 48 hours after starting treatment.

The warm water and lemon may cause your teeth to fall out

Many people have replaced the tea with warm water and lemon, without realizing that this could harm their health!

Due to the health damage associated with consuming caffeine, many people have replaced these drinks with warm water and lemon, but dentists warn of the risks of this.

Where dentists advised not to do this, because acidic drinks carry great damage to the teeth.

The acids in citrus fruits can damage the enamel layer, exposing it to shedding.

Doctors reported that consuming one cup of warm water and lemon causes damage to the teeth, as the existing piece of lemon carries double levels of acidity compared to a lemonade drink.

Doctors at King’s College London’s Dental Institute noted that drinking a cup of warm water and lemon twice daily doubles the risk of tooth loss by about 11 times.

Doctors emphasized that these acids are fast acting in the event that such water is present in a warm environment.

On the other hand, consuming rosemary, for example, is a safe choice for those who want to avoid caffeinated drinks and keep their teeth.

In their study, which was published in the British Dental Journal, the doctors added that the drink of warm water and lemon has become very popular in recent times, and this matter would increase and compound dental problems.

And based on the findings of the doctors, they warned against drinking this drink and replacing it with a safer one.


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