Eating babies to eggs and peanuts protects against allergies

Eating babies to eggs and peanuts protects against allergies

The results of a research review indicated that infants who taste eggs and peanuts from the age of four months may be less likely to develop allergies than they do compared to their counterparts who taste these foods later in life.
She added that making the infant taste eggs between the fourth and sixth months has to do with a 46 percent lower risk of allergies compared to his later tasting.

As for peanuts, the infant's taste for his taste between the fourth and eleventh months was linked to a 71 percent decrease in the risk of allergic reactions compared to his taste afterward.
These results indicate that eggs and peanuts should be among the first foods to be given to most infants, but in contrast, he said that many doctors do not provide Such a recommendation.
Although nutrition guidelines do not require parents to avoid providing some foods that can cause allergies until children reach two or three years old, most recommendations still refrain from urging parents to make infants taste eggs and peanuts early in their lives, Boyle said. Commenting on these instructions in an email "infant feeding tips may need to be changed".
To find out how the timing of infant tasting of certain allergenic foods affects their risk of allergies, see Boyle and his colleagues data from 146 studies published over more than 70 years. With 5.4 percent of the population affected by egg allergy, eating at an early age can protect 24 cases among One thousand people, according to the results of a review of five studies with 1915 people participating.
The proportion of people with peanut allergy reaches 2.5 percent of the population, and the results of a review of data of 1550 participants indicated that tasting it early can protect 18 cases among every thousand people from allergies.
The researchers did not find enough evidence to determine whether fish tasting at an early age may reduce the risk of allergic reactions in general and allergic rhinitis in particular.
Besides, the researchers also did not find in their review, which was published in the journal "Gamma", evidence that the timing of the taste of allergens such as eggs, peanuts and fish affects the risk of developing other autoimmune disorders such as type 1 diabetes.
# Eggs, # Babies, # Babies, # Allergies, # Peanuts, # Fish
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