Get rid of abdominal fat as quickly

Get rid of abdominal fat as quickly

Abdominal fat is a problem facing many overweight people, and even those who have perfect weight want to have a flat, attractive abdomen, but they face many obstacles, and in this article we will talk about the most effective way to get rid of rumen.
There are two types of fats: one you see and one that you cannot see!
The type we see: It is found under the skin in several areas such as (buttocks, thighs, abdomen).
The type that we do not see: There are around vital organs such as (the heart, lung, digestive system, liver). It is found in the abdominal area and pelvis and is called “visceral fat.” These fats work to protect these vital organs.
Most people are aware of the first type that we see, but they do not know that there is another hidden type that may be dangerous if its accumulation increases, as it was found that increasing visceral fat increases the possibility of high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease and some types of cancer (breast and cancer) Colon).
 How does the accumulation of belly fat increase?
When a person's weight increases dramatically, the body does not find another place to store fat, so it begins to store it around the vital organs in the form of visceral fat.
Steps to get rid of belly fat:
 1- Choose the right posture:
The correct standing position is as follows:
Aligning the ear with shoulders, shoulders with pelvis, pelvis with knee, knee with heels.
Make your shoulders open (just like the shirt hangs on a clothes rack).
Tighten the abdominal muscles (pull the navel back).
Make your weight spread over the feet.
By taking this position you get a harmonious abdomen and improve your energy level.
2- Exercise for the whole body:
 Many people have the misconception that the best way to strengthen the abdominal muscles is to stretch and do abdominal exercises, but the fact is that it only strengthens the hexagon (the first layer in the abdominal muscles) and does not exercise the rest of the deep muscles, but the abdominal muscles must be trained with the back, buttocks and legs to get Excellent result, here are some effective exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles:
Push-ups :
The hand can be used with the knee at first if you encounter difficulty performing the exercise. The hands (or elbow) should be parallel to the shoulders, and make the back straight and tighten the abdominal muscles and back, and hold this position for ten seconds with deep breathing.
Leg lowers:
Lie down, place your hands along your body, and raise your feet off the ground so that the knee joint is 90 degrees and the thigh joint is 90 degrees. Slowly lower your leg to the floor with your knee position (90 degrees), then raise it again.
Roll up exercise:
Lie on your back and legs straight, stretching your arms behind your head as closely as possible, then take inhale and move your arms toward the ceiling, then get up with your body (keep your arms and legs stretched and do not bend them) and in the middle of the distance take out and then exhale until you touch your toes, take inhale Start to motion, exhale in the middle of the distance, then return to the original position.
Straight leg raising:
Lie on your back, K, stretch your legs straight, put both hands under the rear (this is the starting position) Take inhale and raise both legs until you make a right angle with the rest of the body. Exhale, exhale, and slowly lower your legs until they reach a height of 10 cm from the floor. Repeat 10 times
Hip lift:
Lie on the floor, place your hands slowly along you, place your feet on the ground so that the knee joint is 90 degrees, take inhale and then tighten your stomach muscles (pull the navel inward) Take out the inhale while lifting the pelvis from the ground a few centimeters, take another inhale and lower the pelvis slowly, and repeat the exercise 10 times .
Reverse crunches:
Begin by lying on the floor and your arms at the alignment of your body and feet on the ground with the knee 90 degrees, hold your stomach muscles, raise your legs and bring them closer to your chest as you exhale, and at inhale, lower your feet slowly until they touch the floor.
3- The proper diet to get rid of belly fat "rumen":
Breakfast: The most important meal of the day. Breakfast should never be skipped if you are trying to lose weight and get rid of rumen. Studies have shown that eating breakfast within an hour of waking up maintains constant levels of the hormone insulin and reduces the rate of cholesterol.
Oats and milk (skim): Add 3 tablespoons of oats to a cup of milk (skim) and sweeten with a little sugar or honey as needed and eat in the morning (two or three times a week).
Be sure to eat foods that contain whole grains, for example, replace white rice with brown rice, eat baked goods that contain whole wheat grains, eat popcorn (one of whole grains), and fiber (found in vegetables and fruits). We have eaten before months of foods that help burn fat and get rid of From the rumen.
Keep eating large quantities of water during the day to improve metabolism and to eliminate toxins.
Make sure to consume sufficient amounts of vitamin C, which counteracts the increase in cortisol that occurs when the body is under great pressure, and it is also necessary to form carnitine that burns fat for energy, so keep eating orange, sour, lemon, green pepper and kiwi .
4- The best drinks that help burn belly fat:
Green tea is one of the most effective drinks in burning fat, especially belly fat, as it contains catechins.
Berry juice.
Milk and dairy products help burn fat because they contain large amounts of calcium.
Warm water: Try as much as possible to drink a quantity of warm water before breakfast because of its good effect in dissolving belly fat.
Beware of drinking sodas that contain large amounts of sugars and replace them with lemon flavored water.
Avoid fast foods that have very high calories and a large amount of fat.
Studies have shown that unsaturated fats that result from incomplete trans fat are working to redistribute body fats and direct them toward the abdomen. This type of fat is found in cakes, pastries, sweets, ghee, and fried foods.
Replace the previous fats with the good fats found in nuts, soybeans, and other cereals and chocolates.
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