Your child's social relationships during the first year of his life

Your child's social relationships during the first year of his life

In the first months of your baby's life, he begins to form relationships with you, family and friends. And of course, every child whose relationship with the mother is stronger. There is nothing to break it or change it. This relationship continues to be built as he grows up, but it is also important for the newborn to start forming relationships with other close family members such as the father and peers.
Here is some information about the nature of your baby's relationships with those around him during the first year of his life:
With you: Your baby knows your smell and voice from the first moment of his birth. In the first months, he will learn to feel comfortable with you and feel safe. When he cries, you come to him, and this feeling forms the basis of the safe relationship that will continue with him throughout his life. By responding to your baby's signs, you motivate him to develop his brain and communication skills. Your baby will not recognize his personality until he is over a year and a half.
With his father: Studies have shown that newborns whose parents have a sharing role in caring for them, make friends in childhood better than those whose parents have no caring role. As well as their relationships in the stage of growing up and maturity are more stable. The father does not have the hormones to help cement the needle with the newborn during the first weeks of his birth as you have, but it is good for the father to have a hand for help and care; Because the newborn is related to who cares for him. So encourage your husband to carry the baby softly and touch him, and in the later stages of the child's life the father can play with him with the roughness that the child loves.
With the family: Between the fourth and sixth months, your baby will start forming a bond with his siblings, grandfather, grandmother and the rest of the family. These relationships deepen depending on the amount of time the newborn spends with them. If you have another child, the little one starts to imitate the older one when he grows up; So encourage them to participate together in activities, and save a lot of toys to avoid quarrels.
With relatives and friends: You may find your four-year-old baby crying when a stranger carries him, and until the age of one and a half years old he may become nervous and anxious if you leave the room. To help your child in this case, confirm your return. If you are a social personality, your child is often like you. So take your baby on your outings with other mothers. If you think of enrolling your child in a nursery, take him on a first short visit and leave him for a short period to get used to it. Always tell him where to go and when to return.
With children: Don't worry if your child is not communicating with other children during the first year of his life. Children this year look at each other and play alongside each other, not with each other. Do not expect to share his games with other children, as most young people do not accept the idea of ​​participating until they reach the age of five.

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